Эколого-туристический клуб — Ергаки
+7 913 956 80 85 (вотсап, вайбер) Надежда
+7 902 967 81 44 (вотсап, вайбер) Александр
The camp «The city of Freedom», located in the cedar wood on the bank of the lake Svetloe, invites to OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES!!!
If you are romantic and brave, passionate and strong, you prefer OUTDOOR activities among the wild nature, we invite you to carry out unforgetable 7 (14 is possible) summer days in Ergaki - camp «The city of Freedom».
The camp is located in the cedar wood on the bank of mountain Lake "Svetloe", beautiful and powerful !
Tremendous, bright impressions at least for all year!!
There are excursions to the most beautiful places of natural park of Ergaki, a guitar around, sincere communication at a camp-fire.
Certainly, physical activities are unusual for the city person. After this trip people become stronger and more perfect!
The conditions of «Travelling to Ergaki»:
-by the bus from Krasnoyarsk (federal highway M-54) to the small river Tushkanchik (the 622nd km of the route). Then it’s a simple EIGHT-KILOMETER PEDESTRIAN CROSSING by a mountain and taiga tracking to a camp "The city of Freedom", located on the bank of the lake "Svetloe".
Slowly, tourists overcome this first route usually in 3-4 hours, with rest, stops. Certainly, this crossing is given to the person not easily    it is necessary to pass through stone mounds roots..., to overcome places with a steep slope moreover to bear behind shoulders a backpack with personal belongings which 10-15 kg are gained... (Who comes to our camp not the first time, prefer to pay backpack lifting to camp, and go without baggage!).
In the camp you are settled in the tents, we give out rugs and sleeping bags. Our cook feed a tasty dinner    and you certainly will want to have a rest! It is possible to lie, have a sleep in tent, it is possible to descend in baths, and then to bathe in the lake. In the late afternoon (at 16.00) the first excursion will be organized (about 2-3 hours). Having risen by Vidovka, you will feel inexpressible admiration.
It’s very important that at all excursions you will go with light baggage    it is not NECESSARY to BEAR the HEAVY BACKPACK BEHIND SHOULDERS! Our experienced instructors will take care, they will show you the most beautiful places, will lead you the safest tracks, will encourage you, will tell unusual stories and will reveal Great Secrets of this most amazing corner of a planet Earth called Еrgaki!
The program of the trip:
1 day (Friday)
22.30-23.00    registration (Krasnoyarsk, гипермаркет Лента, Sverdlovskaia street, 73,);
23.00    departure;
23.00-9.00    a transfer: Krasnoyarsk    the center Tushkanchik (622nd kilometer of highway М54 Krasnoyarsk-Abakan-Kyzyl).
2 day (Saturday)
9.00    arrival to 622 kilometer (Tushkanchik)
9-30-13.00    the crossing on foot (8 km) on a taiga tracks from a highway to a tent camp;
13.00-14.00    accomodation in the tents, a lunch;
14.00-16.30    rest;
16.30-19.30    a sightseeing tour on "Vidovka"    a peak spur Star;
19.30-20-30    a dinner;
20.30-22.30    General gathering, introduction instructing about industrial safety and camp’s rules, the evening of acquaintance).
3 day (Sunday)
7.30-8.00    waking up; morning procedures
8.00-8.30    cheerful warm-up;
9.00-10.00    a breakfast;
10.00-19.00    excursion: the lake Svetloe    the lake Medvej’e(the Bear’s lake)    falls the Tushkanchik(Jerboa)    the Marble Lake —the pass Marble    the lake Svetloe (A dinner    14.00-15.00.);
19.30–20.30    a supper;
20.30-23.00    leisure time (games, competitions, an author's song at a fire, a baths).
4 day (Monday)
7.30-8.00    waking up; morning procedures
8.00-8.30    cheerful warm-up with yoga elements;
9.00-10.00    a breakfast;
10.00–19.00    the lake Svetloe    the lake Zolotarnoe    the pass Pikantniy (Piquant)    the cross Zeleniy (Green)    a head of the Dinosaur    the lake Svetloe;
19.30–20.30    a dinner;
20.30-23.00    leisure time (games, an author's song at a fire, a baths).
5 day (Tuesday)
7.30-8.00    waking up; morning procedures
8.00-8.30    warm-up;
9.00-10.00    a breakfast;
10.00-19.00    the lake Svetloe    a shoulder of the Bird (for interested persons    an ascension on top «the Head of the Bird»)    the lake Svetloe;
19.30-20.30    a dinner;
20.30-23.00    leisure time (sports, competitions, an author's song at a fire).
6 day (Wednesday)
7.30-8.00    waking up; morning procedures
8.00-8.30    cheerful warm-up;
9.00-10.00    a breakfast;
10.00–19.00    the lake Svetloe    the lake Medvej’e (the Bear’s lake)    the pass Tushkanchik (Jerboa)    Small Bujbinskoe lake    the Suspension stone    the lake Svetloe;
19.30–20.30    a dinner;
20.30-23.00    leisure time (games, an author's song at a fire, a baths)
7 day (Thursday)
7.30-8.00    waking up; morning procedures
8.00-8.30    cheerful warm-up (joint gymnastics);
9.00-10.00    a breakfast;
10.00–19.00    the lake Svetloe    the lake Zolotarnoe    the pass Pikantniy (Piquant)    the lake the Maiden eyes    Tooth of the Dragon    the lake Svetloe;
19.30–20.30    a dinner;
20.30-23.00    leisure time (sports, competitions, an author's song at a fire, a baths).
8 day (Friday)
7.30-8.00    waking up; morning procedures
8.00-8.30    cheerful warm-up with yoga elements;
9.00-10.00    a breakfast;
10.00–19.00    the lake Svetloe    the pass the Bird    the lake of Mountain spirits    the lake of Artists    the Parabola    the lake Svetloe;
19.00    a dinner;
20.00–23.00    the Creative report «Sayanskiy’s sufferings...»    the final evening.
9 day (Saturday)
7.30-8.30    waking up; morning procedures; a breakfast;
8.30-10.30    the pedestrian walk from camp to center Tushkanchik (the Jerboa);
11.00-21.00    a transfer to Krasnoyarsk by the bus.
How to buy the holiday voucher:
The schedule of arrivals - 2025
1    June, 14th - June, 21nd
2    June, 21st - June, 28th
3    June, 28th - July, 5th
4    July, 4th - July, 12th
5    July, 11th - July, 19th
6    July, 18th - July, 26th
7    July, 25th - August, 2th
8    August, 1th - August, 9th
9    August, 8th - August, 16th
10    August, 15th - August, 23th
11    August, 22rd - August, 30st
The cost for 8 days:
A variant "Comfort"    35000 rbl.    The tents which stand on wooden boardings.
The cost includes: transfer Krasnoyarsk-camp-Krasnoyarsk, stay, three meals a day, service, work of instructors, excursion and health-improving measures.
You can arrive to us independently!
You can go to us by your transport— 1 day of stay in camp begins from 4000 rbl. /the person
Variant "Comfort"    5000 rbl.    The tents which stand on wooden boardings.
The cost includes: stay, three meals a day, service, work of instructors, excursion and health-improving measures.
Personal equipment: a backpack or a road bag, warm clothes in a case of cold and rainy weather ( a warm jacket, woolen socks, a warm jumpsuit, a sweater, gloves, a sports hat), tourist seat, raincoat, rubber boots, trainer, schist, toilet accessories, individual medicine chest, hand or head-lamp, swimming suit, copy of documents(passport)
How to pay if you live in other city?
Step 1. By e-mail you apply to the head of camp: achugaev@mail.ru or alek.chugaev@yandex.ru
-your name
- Your age
- The social status (a work or study place, a post)
- A series and number of the passport (birth certificate)
- Post and electronic addresses
- Contact phone
- Dates of arrival to our camp
Step 2. We will send the contract and account requisites to which it is necessary to transfer money if you have definitively made the decision to visit our camp.
Step 3. It is necessary to come to the registration 30-50 min before bus departure.
Alexander +7-902-967-81-44
Nadejda +7-913-956-80-85
Хочу отправиться в путешествие!
© 2002–2023, ООО «Ергакитур» г. Красноярск
+7-913-956-80-85 (вотсап, вайбер)
+7-902-967-81-44 (вотсап, вайбер)
ergakiclub@gmail.com, www.ergakitur.ru
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